Friday, March 30, 2012

ODBC Connection in Informatica

ODBC stands for Open Data Base Connectivity. An ODBC is a middleware or an interface which allows you any database to Informatica.

How to create an ODBC in Informatica

For creating an ODBC, we can follow two methods:
  1. Go to Control Panel => Administrative Tools =>Data Souces (ODBC)
  2. Select System DSN tab and click on Add
  3. Select the driver Oracle in OraDB10g_home
  4. Then click Finish.
  5. Enter the following details:
    • Data Source Name: Source_Scott_ODBC (your choice)
    • TNS Service name: ORCL
    • User Id: Scott
  6. Then click on Test Connection
  7. There enter password and finally click on Ok.

Or you can also creating an ODBC from Informatica level as follows:
  1. While Creating the target, first we need impliment the metadata of the target by drag the source in
  2. Target Designer and then Generate/Execute SQL.
  3. Click on Connect then click on Add.
  4. Select System DSN tab and click on Add
  5. Select the driver Oracle in OraDB10g_home
  6. Then click Finish.
  7. Enter the following details:
    • Data Source Name: Source_Scott_ODBC (your choice)
    • TNS Service name: ORCL
    • User Id: Scott
  8. Then click on Test Connection
  9. There enter password and finally click on Ok.


  1. Please use correct grammer, else good.

    1. bro instead criticizing others. pls first check your spelling!!!

  2. How about 'grammar' instead of 'grammer'? I know British english and American english and yada yada.. but still if you want to complain, you can complain about anything. Don't be a grammar Nazi, if you understood him then that's enough. Peace

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